INEGI is an interface Institution between University and Industry, oriented to the activities of Research and Development, Innovation and Technology Transfer. It was founded in 1986, among the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Management (DEMEGI) of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. It is our mission to contribute for improving the competitiveness of the economy and the social welfare, through technology-based innovation applied to processes, products and business models, as well as the development of R&D, technology transfer and innovation management best-practices.
Our core competences are in the fields of mechanical engineering, engineering design, materials, industrial processes, renewable energies, aeronautics and environment, and industrial engineering and management.
Our action is focused on providing added-value services to our clients and partners. Our capability to add value to our clients is grounded on our large experience of working with companies, our permanent drive to understand their needs and our innovation projects implementation practices, always with a result oriented mind set.