John Smith is discussing with Mr. Li about participation in Chinese exhibitions, events and trade shows.
John Smith
您建议我去中国的哪些城市参加贸易展览会?Nín jiànyì wǒ qù Zhōngguó de nǎ xiē chéngshì cānjiā màoyì zhǎnlǎnhuì? TranslateWhich Chinese cities would you recommend I should visit for trade shows?
Li Wei
在中国,有超过50个城市举办国际贸易展览会。Zài Zhōngguó, yǒu chāo guò wǔ shí gè chéngshì jǔbàn guójì màoyì zhǎnlǎnhuì. TranslateThere are over 50 cities in China hosting international trade exhibitions.
John Smith
这么多。我应该去哪个?Zhème duō. Wǒ yīnggāi qù nǎ ge? TranslateIt is really a lot. Which city should I go to?
Li Wei
我建议你先去香港。Wǒ jiànyì nǐ xiān qù Xiānggǎng. TranslateI would recommend you go to Hong Kong for the first visit.
在香港参展的大部分展商都说英语。Zài Xiānggǎng cān zhǎn de dà bù fen zhǎnshāng dōu shuō Yīngyǔ. TranslateMost of the participants in the Hong Kong exhibitions speak English.
John Smith
好。 还有什么其它的展览会值得去吗?Hǎo. Hái yǒu shénme qítā de zhǎnlǎnhuì zhídé qù ma? TranslateOk. What other events are worth visiting?
Li Wei
在中国也有很多中国企业参加的国际会议。Zài Zhōngguó yě yǒu hěn duō Zhōngguó qǐyè cānjiā de guójì huìyì. TranslateThere are also many international conferences in China with many Chinese businesses present.
John Smith
他们在哪儿举办?Tāmen zài nǎr jǔbàn? TranslateWhere are they organized?
Li Wei
通常在一些大城市, 比如北京,上海和广州。Tōngcháng zài yì xiē dà chéngshì, bǐrú Běijīng, Shànghǎi hé Guǎngzhōu. TranslateThey usually take place in big Chinese cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.