John Smith and Li Wei are discussing about development of business activities in China. John Smith has a task to find the ways of the best investment in the Chinese market.
John Smith
在中国设立公司最好的选择是什么?Zài Zhōngguó shèlì gōngsī zuì hǎo de xuǎnzé shì shénme? TranslateWhat is the best option to establish a company in China?
Li Wei
最好的选择是成立外商独资企业。Zuì hǎo de xuǎnzé shì chénglì wàishāng dúzī qǐyè. TranslateThe best option is to set up a WFOE (Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise).
John Smith
为什么您这么认为? Wèishénme nín zhème rènwéi? TranslateWhy do you think so?
Li Wei
在中国,外国投资大多数都是这么做的。 Zài Zhōngguó, wàiguó tóu zī dà duō shù dōu shì zhème zuò de. TranslateThe vast majority of all foreign investments in China are done through WFOE.
John Smith
您说的大多数是什么意思?Nín shuō de dà duō shù shì shénme yìsi? TranslateWhat do you mean by the vast majority?
Li Wei
事实上,大大超过百分之80 。Shì shí shàng, dà dà chāo guò bǎi fēn zhī bā shí. TranslateIt is actually much more than 80%.
John Smith
听说政府鼓励某些行业的外国投资者成立外商独资企业。Tīng shuō zhèngfǔ gǔlì mǒuxiē hángyè de wàiguó tóuzīzhě chénglì wàishāng dúzī qǐyè. TranslateI have heard that the government encourages foreign investors in certain industries to set up a WFOE.
Li Wei
对,主要在高新技术、设备,新产品和节能的研发方面。Duì, zhǔ yào zài gāoxīn jìshù、shèbèi、xīn chǎnpǐn hé jié néng de yánfā fāngmiàn. TranslateYes. It is in high and new technology and equipment, development of new product and energy preservation.
John Smith
外商独资企业的好处是什么?Wàishāng dúzī qǐyè de hǎo chù shì shénme? TranslateWhat are the advantages of WFOE?
Li Wei
有100%的控制权,节省费用和时间,管理更简化。Yǒu bǎi fēn zhī bǎi de kòngzhì quán, jiéshěng fèiyòng hé shíjiān, guǎnlǐ gèng jiǎnhuà. TranslateHaving 100% control, cost and time saving, and streamlined management.
John Smith
那知识产权方面呢?Nà zhīshi chǎnquán fāngmiàn ne? TranslateWhat about Intellectual Property Rights?
Li Wei
当然。知识产权、商业秘密和技术可以得到充分保护。Dāng rán. zhīshí chǎnquán、shāngyè mìmì hé jìshù kěyǐ dé dào chōngfèn bǎohù. TranslateOf course. IPR, trade secrets and technologies can be fully secured.