John Smith is asking about other solutions without setting up a company.
John Smith
有人向我建议,和中国公司成立合资企业。 Yǒu rén xiàng wǒ jiànyì, hé Zhōngguó gōngsī chénglì hézī qǐyè. TranslateSomebody suggested that I should set up a joint venture with a Chinese company.
Li Wei
中国加入世贸组织以前,外国投资只能这样进入中国市场。 Zhōngguó jiārù Shìmào zǔzhī yǐqián, wàiguó tóu zī zhǐ néng zhèyàng jìnrù Zhōngguó shìchǎng. TranslateYes, before China became a member of the WTO, it was the only way for foreign investment to enter the Chinese market.
John Smith
合资企业的好处是什么? Hézī qǐyè de hǎo chù shì shénme? TranslateWhat are the advantages of joint ventures?
Li Wei
中方伙伴熟悉当地市场,和当地企业和政府的关系很好。 Zhōngfāng huǒbàn shúxī dāngdì shìchǎng, hé dāngdì qǐyè hé zhèngfǔ de guānxi hěn hǎo. TranslateA Chinese partner is familiar with the local market and has good relationship with local businesses and authorities.
John Smith
合资企业成功的关键是什么?Hézī qǐyè chénggōng de guānjiàn shì shénme? TranslateWhat is necessary for a successful joint venture?
Li Wei
合作双方必须有相同的目标,互相了解。Hézuò shuāngfāng bìxū yǒu xiāngtóng de mùbiāo, hùxiāng liǎojiě. TranslateBoth partners must have the same goals and understand each other.
John Smith
合资企业最大的挑战是什么?Hézī qǐyè zuì dà de tiǎozhàn shì shénme? TranslateWhat is the biggest challenge for joint venture creation?
Li Wei
是找到好的合作方,签订公平的协议。Shì zhǎo dào hǎo de hézuò fāng, qiāndìng gōngpíng de xiéyì. TranslateIt is to find the right partner and to sign a fair agreement with him.
John Smith
为什么在有些行业合资企业比较多?Wèishénme zài yǒuxiē hángyè hézī qǐyè bǐ jiào duō ? TranslateWhy in certain industries there are many joint ventures?
Li Wei
为了进入中国市场,必须那么做, 比如汽车和节能工业。Wèi le jìnrù Zhōngguó shìchǎng, bìxū nàme zuò, bǐrú qìchē hé jié néng gōngyè. TranslateIt is mandatory to set up a joint venture to enter the Chinese market, e.g. automobile or energy saving industry.
John Smith
合资企业有哪些形式呢?Hézī qǐyè yǒu nǎxiē xíngshì ne? TranslateWhat types of joint ventures are there?
Li Wei
有两种形式,股权合资企业和合作合资企业。Yǒu liǎng zhǒng xíngshì, gǔquán hézī qǐyè hé hézuò hézī qǐyè. TranslateThere are two types of joint venture, Equity Joint Ventures and Cooperative joint ventures.