John Smith is asking about other solutions without setting a company.
John Smith
你认为设办事处怎么样?Nǐ rènwéi shè bànshìchù zěnmeyàng? TranslateWhat do you think about having a representative office?
Li Wei
可以设,但是办事处只能做市场分析,协调市场营销活动。Kěyǐ shè, dànshì bànshìchù zhǐ néng zuò shìchǎng fēnxī, xiétiáo shìchǎng yíngxiāo huódòng. TranslateIt is possible but ROs can only perform market analysis and coordinate marketing activities.
John Smith
办事处还能做什么?Bànshìchù hái néng zuò shénme? TranslateWhat other activities are allowed for RO?
Li Wei
他们可以与中国公司合作,检查销售产品的质量。Tāmen kěyǐ yǔ Zhōngguó gōngsī hézuò, jiǎnchá xiāoshòu chǎnpǐn de zhìliàng. TranslateThey can co-operate with Chinese companies and do quality control of products (distributed in China).
John Smith
办事处可以开发票吗?Bànshìchù kěyǐ kāi fāpiào ma? TranslateCan an RO issue invoices?
Li Wei
办事处不能有盈利性的活动。Bànshìchù bù néng yǒu yínglì xìng de huódòng. TranslateNo, ROs are not allowed to engage in any profit making activity.
John Smith
可以生产制造吗?Kěyǐ shēngchǎn zhìzào ma? TranslateWhat about manufacturing?
Li Wei
生产制造和销售是违法的。Shēngchǎn zhìzào hé xiāoshòu shì wéifǎ de. TranslateManufacturing, production and sales are prohibited by law.
John Smith
雇用员工有什么规定吗?Gùyòng yuángōng yǒu shénme guīdìng ma? TranslateWhat about employment regulations?
Li Wei
可以雇用中国人, 但是外国人最多四个。Kěyǐ gùyòng Zhōngguó rén, dànshì wàiguórén zuì duō sì ge. Translate(An RO) can employ Chinese citizens and up to four foreigners.