John Smith and Li Wei are talking about etiquette for formal dinners.
John Smith
我觉得中国的餐桌文化和西方的很不一样。Wǒ juéde Zhōngguó de cānzhuō wénhuà hé xīfāng de hěn bù yí yàng. TranslateI find the Chinese dining culture very different from that of the West.
Li Wei
你觉得有哪些不一样?Nǐ juéde yǒu nǎxiē bù yí yàng? TranslateWhat are the differences according to you?
John Smith
中国的宴会常用圆桌,菜放在桌子中间,大家合餐。Zhōngguó de yànhuì cháng yòng yuánzhuō, cài fàng zài zhuōzi zhōngjiān, dàjiā hécān. TranslateThe tables used for Chinese banquets are usually round, and the dishes are placed in the middle of the table. People pick up food from the same dishes to eat.
Li Wei
是的,中国人喜欢分享。大家一起吃非常热闹。Shì de, Zhōngguórén xǐhuan fēnxiǎng. Dàjiā yìqǐ chī fēicháng rènao. TranslateYes. Chinese people like to share. It is very lively when eating together.
John Smith
我觉得中国人吃饭时说话声非常大。 Wǒ juéde Zhōngguórén chī fàn shí shuō huà shēng fēicháng dà. TranslateI find that Chinese people like to talk very loudly when having a meal.
Li Wei
是的,中国人喜欢热热闹闹地边吃边聊。 Shì de, Zhōngguórén xǐhuan rèrè nàonào de biān chī biān liáo. TranslateYes. Chinese people like lively chat while eating.
John Smith
在饭桌上,中国的同事总是让我多吃点, 多喝点。Zài fànzhuō shang, Zhōngguó de tóngshì zǒngshì ràng wǒ duō chī diǎn, duō hē diǎn. TranslateAt the dining table my Chinese colleagues always asked me to eat more and to drink more.
Li Wei
中国人好客,那是他们热情和礼貌的表示。Zhōngguórén hào kè, nà shì tāmen rèqíng hé lǐmào de biǎoshì. TranslateChinese people are hospitable. That is an expression of their warmth and courtesy.
John Smith
可是我不想喝那么多酒。 Kěshì wǒ bù xiǎng hē nàme duō jiǔ. TranslateBut I do not want to drink so much alcohol.
Li Wei
那你可以说:“我不能再喝了,我以茶代酒敬您”。Nà nǐ kěyǐ shuō:“wǒ bú néng zài hē le, wǒ yǐ chá dài jiǔ jìng nín”. TranslateThen you can say: “I cannot drink anymore. I’ll take tea instead of wine to toast to you.”
John Smith
太好了。那我吃不下的时候, 他们还让我吃, 我怎么办?Tài hǎo le. Nà wǒ chī bú xià de shíhòu, tāmen hái ràng wǒ chī, wǒ zěnme bàn? TranslateGreat. What shall I do when I cannot eat any more, and yet they still ask me to eat?
Li Wei
那你可以说:“谢谢,我吃饱了,真的吃不下了”。Nà nǐ kěyǐ shuō:“xiè xie, wǒ chī bǎo le, zhēn de chī bú xià le”. TranslateThen you can say: “Thank you. I am full. I really cannot eat any more.”
John Smith
太好了, 这两句话很有用。Tài hǎo le, zhè liǎng jù huà hěn yǒuyòng. TranslateGreat. These two sentences are very useful.